With surrounded by a tiny elements.
Yellow flowers

Form with five side, that presented the star shaped. And this purple colour Flower, also has the unique thing, in the middle, has something like the frozen ice...
Flowers - BeautifulFlowersForMyLove6.jpg
Widescreen wallpaper beautiful lily pond with water lilies and lotus flowers. Find more l ily pond wallpaper and lotus wallpaper.
In album Lotus flower photo - Lotus blossom images - Lotus pond photos
pollen-flowers posted a photo
Butterflies drinking water in wet sand next to a small jungle river. My lucky day - but I had more than one such encounter! During dry season the jungle leaves have little or no water to drink. Hence butterflies do what humans do when thirsty, they go - or fly - to the next "butterfly pub". Way up in the mountains - amidst jungle - was a small crystal clear jungle river. This place with wet sand about 1 meter away from the water. A few dozen butterflies always flying around this small spot and about a dozen at a time sitting down for a short while to take a few zips of water out of the wet sand.
During rainy season it may be far more difficult to find such crowds of butterflies on a single spot. During rainy season raindrops can easily be found all across the jungle vegetation.
See my earlier photos if you love to learn a little about butterfly life cycle or see some butterfly wallpaper from tropical islands.
In album Kingdom of Cambodia: Photos Cambodia scenery, eCards Cambodia nature
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