Another yellow flower
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Buxted Park lanterns - photo by kind permission of Lisa Devlin - lanterns2.jpg
Pond scenery Siem Reap - near Tonle Sap. Beautiful lush green scenery widescreen wallpaper.
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In album Kingdom of Cambodia: Photos Cambodia scenery, eCards Cambodia nature
Robert Nyman
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Small strawberry seeds on each berry. In garden centers you may find strawberry seeds - the very same also can be produced from any fresh strawberries. To grow plants from such tiny seeds is far more difficult than growing plants from strawberry runners. The seeds would be the choice to "import" strawberries from remote countries.
This photo concludes the small series about strawberries in the Philippine islands. Strawberries grow in a wide range of countries from Mediterranean climate to central or northern European climate as well as some mountain regions in India and US of course. Any cold subtropical climate to cold climate areas is suitable. The many different strawberry varieties may have their own preferences. Hence try different strawberry plants. Some bear fruits almost all year long, others have a short season of a few weeks only. The final criteria however always is the taste. Modern variety as so often are profit oriented. Thus modern strawberry varieties have large / huge fruits almost tasteless. Traditional strawberries are much smaller but delicious in taste. In Europe it is almost impossible to find any natural tasty strawberries left in commercial strawberry fields.
Here in the Philippine islands' Capital of strawberries - Trinidad - outside Baguio City, most of the strawberries still are of the natural tasty kind.
Hopefully by now you have a basic understanding of how much work is involved in the production of delicious strawberries - from your supermarket shelf. The field worker - mostly women - here in the Philippines earn anywhere between 3 to 5 US$ PER DAY for a long day of back aching work. A strawberry harvest season consumes hundreds of working hours for a small field and another many hundreds of working hours for field and plant care in the fields between harvest seasons.
In album Fruits of the Philippine islands
Info from:
Private Club
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