It's my third visit to the Chelsea Flower Show grounds. The site is now looking its familiar self, albeit in an empty way - the shops in the avenue that are usually stuffed with goodies to buy, are already built, but empty. Everyone seems to be busy craning in trees and building walls as their gardens begin to take shape.
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Lupine at Quail Hollow Ranch, CA USA
My first trip down to the Chelsea site yesterday and suddenly the whole thing seems very real!
This is my first year working on the show and I can't believe what a massive operation it is. I was taken aback by the bustling atmosphere at the showground; it was a cross between a building site and a wonderland, with the contractors in good spirits, digging and building the show gardens, and the designers observing with a tentative look in their eyes.
Here in the office I have been working franticly with the web team to get the Chelsea 2009 website ready in time to bring you unique footage of the build-up.
There are just over two weeks to go and everything seems to be going to plan, even the sun is shining! Surely it can't be this easy...
Tom Billington, assistant producer
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Private Club
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