Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Flo-master garden sprayer parts

Guard Dog and A Dozing Mom

When showing and take a while look to this phot o, then one name comes up, peacock !!!, yes you right :) except this fanlike with yellow colour. Actually a little flower, but when take to macro mode, it's becomes more fun, and showing totally different.

pollen-flowers posted a photo

Ballroom Buxted park winter wonderland theme -! - latestpicturesgallery084.jpg

pollen-flowers posted a photo

visiting the Holland markets - it's a flowerfest! - latestpicturesgallery036.jpg

Robert Nyman
Like, flowers

Like, flowers

pollen-flowers posted a photo

hot pink and burnt orange with matching freeze dried petals - DSC00031.jpg

Bright yellow flower

Bright yellow flower


Another yellow flower

Another yellow flower

pollen-flowers posted a photo

Buxted Park lanterns - photo by kind permission of Lisa Devlin - lanterns2.jpg

Guard Dog and A Dozing Mom

FLOWERS - 171.jpg


Winter Berries

Children learning to catch food while playing and having fun. It is a man's duty to provide freedom and space for children to grow up in a fun, safe and natural environment. It also is a father's duty to assure his children have the guidance needed from parents positive example how to survive, how to feed a family, how to live happily.
It is our all duty to maintain a healthy and natural environment that allows our children and future generations of happy children to come to have all God given freedom to enjoy life on a healthy and clean planet.
Children and future generations have a right to encounter a planet as wild, as natural, as varied as we encountered this planet. Even more, we should assure that future generations have a more colorful and cleaner nature than years or decades ago instead of finding antique garbage and our all environment pollution.
God gave us all a clean, wild, adventurous and natural planet with a most beautiful nature to enjoy, to play, to learn from. Hence it is mankind's duty to re-establish that God given beauty by cleaning up the mess we have created in past decades of hyper-industrialization.
We all can learn from these children. We can provide for our family in a fun way no one ever would consider work. However we need to be able to live and work in a clean nature, clean water and clean air.
To maintain our heritage from God is a duty far above career or money making. No savings ever could compensate for our environment pollution and damage to the planet done. To maintain a clean planet is affordable to all. The only price would be self control, self-discipline and a reduced lifestyle with more love and less garbage-gadgets in life.
Our ideal living environment requires little in investment but much more in understanding nature and happy family life. A family needs freedom, nature and love to be happy. The more complex a family's life, the less likely that family can find happiness. The more simple a family's life, the more happiness in life.
The only way to teach our children is to be a living example. Hence it is our all duty as adults and parents to live in full harmony with God and thus with nature and to show rather than to teach our children.
In album Fathers Day
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