We've had a great but exhausting week, the apiary arrived on a low loader and we managed to manoeuvre it into place.
Despite my respect for the joiners, who worked flat out, we realised the next day that we weren't home and dry. The proportions of the top section were completely wrong and after a day of agonising, I finally made the bold decision to saw a bit of the top section off!
I'm so glad I did as I immediately knew that we were doing the right thing and people arrived, just as we finished, to praise the building.
In the meantime we had a photo shoot for the Telegraph. The photographer was very professional and set up some great artistic shots of me and the garden, which hopefully will appear in the paper next Saturday.
Chris, the blacksmith, spent the rest of the day fire fighting problems with the apiary (see photo) and at last, we set off in an open top jeep back to Cumbria, with the apiary roof behind us. Back to those we love and had left behind, eventually arriving home at 2am!
Setting off at dawn tomorrow for the final long week of preparing the show garden!
pollen-flowers posted a photo
c hair covers and shashes to match by Amaryllis Events - latest2014.jpg
Pyracantha berries in Ben Lomond, CA USA
White and ample flower
Exotic flower
Hot day on site. We took in our first delivery of trees today which was very exciting! The reality of our first tree on the plot was a real moment, after all this planning and talking we are now doing.
Bacon butty van arrived much to everyone's joy and there's a good feeling in the air. Hey we're feeling generous at the moment, letting both of our neighbours use our skip...........but we may need to call in a favour later on.
Wildflower meadow arrived, it's perfect, I even saw a bee checking out the bubble wrap protecting it.
Travelled home to Cumbria thinking this is all great and everything's under control. Five phone calls later and I'm worried about potential hedge gaps, wonky circles and off set trees. I'm turning round and going back at 6am tomorrow....................
Info from:
Private Club
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