pollen-flowers posted a photo
gorgeous hand tied bouquet - roses peonies sweet peas lily of the valley - IMG_11881.jpg
pollen-flowers posted a photo
NEW - storm lantern with petals and crystals - gallery4212.jpg
Asim Shah posted a photo:
Robert Nyman
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Damage by coconut palm rhinoceros beetle due to mono-culture and excessive density of coconut palms in many areas of Mindoro, we see thousands of palms with damaged leaves. Look at the palm leaves in front left to see some leaves look like cut. That is the result of a tiny ( compared to the size of the palm ) beetle, the Asiatic rhinoceros beetle. One single beetle of the size of 2-3 cm can kill an entire coconut palm.
The purpose of the Asiatic rhinoceros beetle is the re-establish balance in nature where mankind has destroyed natural balance. Hence the Asiatic rhinoceros beetle re-establishes divine Feng Shui in forests and jungle.
The island of Mindoro is missing rain forest, wild jungle free of mono-cultures and huge plantations of ONE kind of tree. Nature needs diversification to remain healthy and strong. Nature's purpose is to keep us humans healthy and strong and to maintain balance on the entire planet.
In album Mindoro Photos
Yellow flower with background out of focus
White flowers with blurred background
On second thoughts - almost forgot we had the rest of the week to go! (by the way I am writing this from the Tatton tent which is at present being deluged by the tail end of a passing storm - however, we are close to a flower bed containing Noah's Ark so there is an escape route!).
The garden has been a great success with the public. It's also been enhanced this week by the presence of the Cheshire Poet Laureate, W. Terry Fox, reading landscape inspired poetry: his own, some from local school Manor Park Primary in Knutsford and even poems from would-be bards among Tatton staff!
Mingling in and out of the crowds all week have been many gardening celebrities, including two 'bits of lads' I knew when they were students: namely Joe Swift and Toby Buckland. It was good to catch up on old times - though they reckon they are not so old.
Finally we met up with Gilly, chief blogger for this event!
So all it remains is to dismantle everything early next week, put everything in store and continue to plan for next year. See you then!
Info from:
Private Club
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