Robert Nyman
Like, flowers

White colour flower... And It's Full Moon...
Robert Nyman
Like, flowers
Prayer Card:
May God's healing love flow into my body, mind and soul
to dissolve all my selfishness
to heal all my stubborn
to remove all my stinginess and greed
to open my heart,
to free my love
until my heart is shining of love
like the sunshine on the blue sky,
to love my family
to love my enemies
to heal my family
to heal my enemies
until we all are one family of love
at home in God again,
forever in love with each other !
The Love prayer and the complete practice of Kriya Yoga will help you to achieve complete healing of your soul, heart and mind until free in God.
In album God Cards - Prayers and Love
pollen-flowers posted a photo
Bentley wildfowl and motor museum - the house - latest2004.jpg
Without love no forgiveness - without forgiveness no love. To free your heart for true love, you need to first forgive all.
If you open for God's love, then you find the healing power of love needed to forgive all.
In album God Cards - Prayers and Love
Multiple floating homes attached to a single tree. Floating family business and floating family boats all attached to a tree. Tonle Sap floating village - Cambodia.
In the floating village you find all a regular village has to offer. Restaurants, mechanical shops, all kind of floating businesses a community needs. Often grouped like here in this picture a few different floating homes attached to each other or fixed to a tree.
In album Kingdom of Cambodia Pictures
Info from:
Private Club
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