Friday, May 29, 2009

Berkeley rose gardens

pollen-flowers posted a photo

6-2-09 Buxted Park - DSCN0425.jpg

After a sleepless night, I arrived early at the show ground where the girls were waiting with the medal result - there was no escape. It was a massive relief to hear the news of my Gold. The pressures off now I can relax and enjoy the rest of the show.

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Asim Shah posted a photo:


pollen-flowers posted a photo

Natalie and Chris just married - natalie4.jpg


pollen-flowers posted a photo

Donal and Willem in Holland - latestpicturesgallery038.jpg

Robert Nyman
Like, flowers

Like, flowers

pollen-flowers posted a photo

all the tables had great seaside names - 030-3.jpg

When showing and take a while look to this photo, then one name comes up, peacock !!!, yes you right :) except this fanlike with yellow colour. Actually a little flower, but when take to macro mode, it's becomes more fun, and showing totally different.

Robert Nyman
Like, flowers

Like, flowers

Asim Shah posted a photo:


There are always so many good ideas to be gleaned at Chelsea, here are some of the things that have most struck me.

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