Sunday, May 24, 2009

Cassina garden club




It's onwards and upwards with my vertical planting but I really do need to crack on and get a roof on my 'house' - trouble is, there's a tree in the way. Still - it wouldn't be Chelsea if there weren't any problems.

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flowers and rain - flowers_and_rain.jpg

A man's day starts with work for the benefit of his family and entire community. Daily work is part of true love toward family and entire community. Hence there should be no day without work.

To work, fathers need to feel to be loved. A beloved father is a better worker because love is the only worthy cause to achieve such huge projects as the shown Banaue rice terraces.

First hard work - then some fun is the rule to achieve such splendid and thousands of years lasting achievements as the rice terraces shown.
In album Fathers Day



A father feeling loved may find the power to move mountains. Look at the huge project achieved by mankind on this picture. A huge mountain of rice terraces made by hand, made by mankind. Ou t of love for family and community.

Empowered by the love of his wife and family. Empowered and carried by a fathers love for his entire community. Some 2000 years of conintuous ongoing contstruction were needed to accopplish the project of rice terraces.

Only true love can give that kind of perseverance needed to achive a goal far beyond a few lifetimes.
In album Fathers Day
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