Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Azalea card program charity


atheana's photo

flowers - flowers.jpg

A poppy is about to bloom.

flowers - 66689047.jpg

pollen-flowers posted a photo

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vintage etched glass tea light holders - gallery4218.jpg

Pink Flower - PinkFlower1jpeg.jpg

Crocus - the first flowers of spring 2008

Pyracantha berries in Ben Lomond, CA USA


atheana's photo

Bright yellow flower

Bright yellow flower

The Cheshire area of Nafas have created a gold medal winning display inside the Floral Design Marquee. It's inspired by Mondrian and Andy Goldsworthy. Pam Orton, one of the designers, explained flower_ring.jpg"We decided to call our exhibit Sculpture Park in celebration of the Cheshire Year of the Garden and the Cheshire Artists' Network's - Art in the Garden. After we had decided on a title we were able to look further for our inspiration." Further sources of inspiration come from Mondrian and Andy Goldsworthy. The result is a lively, vibrant arrangement. flower_ball.jpgAlso in the marquee The Welsh College of horticulture have certainly caused a stir! A stunning, floor to ceiling wall of flowers and coloured wire fills their display, a beautiful kaleidoscopic ball completes the exhibit, which is proving a great talking point for visitors.
We got a silver-gilt medal which we are very pleased with, we're really pleased because it's our first Tatton. The judges did say that they'd like us to do a larger stand and that our plants would really suit a larger exhibit. One of the reasons why we create a display of this size is because it fills one lorry! We never know how the plants will go down when we come to a new show and especially one in a different climatic area, but so far so good. Next week we're going to the Taunton flower show where we're exhibiting our own plants and planting a garden, then Rob and I are off for three days to an undisclosed, secret location to reflect on the last few months and plan for the year ahead.
Info from:

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