Crocus - the first flowers of spring 2008
Yellow flower with background out of focus
Crocus - the first flowers of spring 2008
Crocus - the first flowers of spring 2008
I'm not sure if it's to keep 'us' in...or 'them' out but on Tuesday, the BBC local radio team were surrounded by a seven foot high fence. However, I'm relieved to report that we were left with a narrow escape route.
pollen-flowers posted a photo
Daffodils in late April
Purple Flower
pollen-flowers posted a photo
deep pink and candy pink petals - 020-7.jpg
pollen-flowers posted a photo
A bittermelon flower.

Form with five side, that presented the star shaped. And this purple colour Flower, also has the unique thing, in the middle, has something like the frozen ice...
When take this flower, i just curious in the middle of this flower, it's take couple days to figure out what to name this photo, finally name of "swirl" comes out... flower with combination of white and red, some how it may like the flying bird.
Info from:
Private Club
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