Friday, March 13, 2009

Rose pink gold tone watch


atheana's photo

Flower With Have A Five Part Of Pink Color...

A poppy is about to bloom.

Pink tulips, Ottawa Tulip Festival

Crocus - the first flowers of spring 2008
Best in show was awarded to Matthew Soper of Hampshire Carnivorous Plants and he was delighted. carnivorous_300x150.jpg"This is a very special year, not only because of this award at Tatton Park but it means we have won ten consecutive golds at Chelsea, ten at Hampton Court, ten at BBC Gardeners' World Live and now ten at Tatton Park and best in show. I couldn't be more pleased, it's fantastic!" Well done to Matthew. I couldn't mention the floral marquee again without letting you know how Medwyn Williams got on. Well, his gold medal record is as unblemished as his prize winning vegetables; another gold for Medwyn and an unbroken record. And to top it off the sun is shining! I'm really not used to this at a flower show, I might have to go and have a lie down. In the sun. With an ice cream perhaps...

Otres Beach - Sihanoukville / Kompong Som. Imagine how this beach once looked some 30+ years ago before being destroyed by mankind. Beautiful God made jungle as high as real rain forest jungle down to the very beach line.
When I first swam in this beach waters in the 70ies, I saw one hunge beachextending down to Sihanoukville with no other person around - except one woman a few hundred meters from me. No pollution at all and as wide as I could see only jungle up to the very beach front. A crystal clear water all year warm like a bath, inviting day and night for a swim.
One night around midnight - about fullmoon - the ocean was so flat, even no ripples of a single centimeter. Just plain flat like a mirror. The only waves in the wide ocean were the ripples I made when swimming into the wide ocean. A God made paradise on a most beautiful beach. A beauty gone, destroyed by humans, never to come back even in a thousand years from now. There is God made beauty and beautiful islands, nature scenery and oceans that took thousands and millions of years to slowly form. Once destroyed - all beauty is gone for ever - for all eternity unless God depletes all planet from all humans for millions of years to reconstruct all beauty again.
The problem with that is that mankind would again manage to re-destroy all God made nature again in a matter of years.
See more photos and wallpapers from Cambodia's Beaches or view the Travel Guide to the Kingdom of Kampuchea.
In album Kingdom of Cambodia: Photos Cambodia scenery, eCards Cambodia nature
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